神何以为神? 全知全能。 在现代社会,互联网巨头利用用户行为的大数据以及具体行为的每一个字节,可以真实做到全知,同时又可以利用平台的力量来影响事件的发生,真实做到全能,第一代人造神就这样诞生了。接下来的问题就是,是否可以以正义的名义使用神的权力来裁决他人乃至整个世界?基本演绎法第七季(最终季)讨论的即是这个问题。
2022/11/15 EP01, woke shit. EP02, Vincenzo Natali, average. EP03, director of The Empty Man, best in the show, not even close. EP04, between bad and average. EP05, about painting? Of course it’s Dorian Gray. Good, second best in the show. EP06, director of Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown, and fucking Twilight, then her career just vanished. Get your plot straight for fuck sick. Should stay dead. Worst in the show, even worse than the woke shit, plot wise. EP07, director of Mandy, pretentiously bad. EP08, director of The Babadook and The Nightingale, boring. Overall, high production value, low quality, 3/5.